Dissabte, 27 de juliol de 2024    



Ibiza General Information

Pratical informations

Ibiza Photo Album

Ibiza Webcam

Ibiza history


Ibiza Beaches

Ibiza city

San Antonio city

Santa Eularia city

Ibiza hotels

Getting there Ibiza airport

Markets in Ibiza


Languague Ibicenco


Santa Eularia - Santa Eulalia Des Riu

Santa Eulalia is situated on the east cost of Ibiza island. The name Santa Eularia Des Riu came from the unique river of the Island. But since years and years, there is no water in it.

Compared with Eivissa and San Antoni, Santa Eularia is characterized by its ambient peace. This small tourist station is thus situated far from places noisy as bars and night clubs

To visit

- The Puig de Missa church built in 1568 on the hill of the city
- Ethnological Museum of Can Ros
- The beach (width 250m)
- The harbor